Monday, November 9, 2009
Counting Down
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween

This is Me and Uncle Orville.. a younger brother to My Mother (remember there are 6 of these critters in her family) I hadn't seen this Uncle since 1993. He is 10 years my senior. But after a certain age, the years meld together and we all look a bit worn around the edges.

And this is the page that started me scrapping. I made the cat, ghost, crow and the Photomask. Do they look familiar?? Well, keep on scrolling down this page and you should find them.. Maybe not the photo mask, it is part of a set I'm working on to sell at (like a project started and not finished) the floral clusters come from Raspberryroad . That photo is of the Neighbors Tree..It turned a beautiful shade of golds this year.. so I had to snap it.. I get to look at it everyday so It had to be extra special for me to snap it.
OK, back to reading the Vampire Series, Lestat by Anne Rice. Appropriate for this time of year.. Love MY KINDLE!!
Granny Judy
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Just checking in

I'm sure I'll be able to keep in touch with this while I am away from HOME. Love the new Windows 7 package... It's much bigger & faster than this "beast" I currently am on.. so who knows.. some night when I can't sleep, I may just get creative!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
5 Free halloween critters
I can't help it !! I am fascinated with SHAPES and what to make with them.. So here are fruits of my labor as I play in PSE6 making Critters. The cat is from my brush collection, but I tried an edge and eyes!! I just love my "tools".

I am getting my bags packed and ready to ship them off to Texas. I leave Nov 11th, but a friend is driving down in a week with a big ol camper and offered to TAKE them so I wouldn't have to pay extra for flying them down. I'm getting excited now that I can actually start packing and sort thru what I need to take for the 5 month stay.
Got to get my priorities sorted thru and check my list... So If I don't get back here with freebies for awhile, I will try to let ya know how the weather is in TEXAS this winter...
GrannyMonday, October 5, 2009
Did she say FREEBIE
I used some new techniques on the papers..and some Shapes with accent "styles" that I finally learned where to find them. So here is a quick mini in 12x12@300dpi for you to play with.
While playing around, I had to try out a tool I didn't know I had.. It's called color burner. It shades and darkens the area/s you move your mouse over. I used it to 'shade' the edges of the papers...practice time for me..and a FREEBIE for you.

Now I mean it..I have to get a ton of stuff done and packed for my winter in Texas this year. It is getting to darn cold for me here in Illinois.. Had to give in and turn the furnace on this morning.
On my to do list is get one more Block done for the Quilt Block Swap I'm doing with DD#1 -Florida. Wash up the clothes I need to pack, and get them off to a friend who is driving down there next week (will park camper right across from mine).
I'm flying out on the 11th of Nov and with security and extra costs the airlines now have, I hope to have one carry-on to get thru the check points. Thank goodness I know of someone who hauls a big A$$ camper there & back. I've got a camper & site all reserved from Nov 2009 to March 31, 2010.
Well, daylight is here and lots to think about and do.. so I'm getting off the "beast" and back to work. Darn Vacations are alot of work!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Freebie & Request

I am sending off my package of 10 Clusters to the STORE: today and it should be in the store by monday!! Here's a preview. Click HERE to go to my section of the store.. ONLY $1.00 buys all 10 clusters that are layered individually so you can customize each one to fit your need/s. PNG files in 300 dpi. smallest is 4x4..suitable for 12x12 pages.

I know it isn't easy to get back here, but please leave a message or send me an image of anything you create.. I love hearing from you. It helps to know what ya like, so I know what to put up here for a FREEBIE!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
It's Freebie time-QP 4 Halloween
Just click on the get your QP freebie.
Then ya gotta hate it when the RSS feed doesn't work on your site.. I checked it's contents and there are too many errors on it to fix. So the search engines will just have to find me the hard way..
Friday, September 25, 2009
Country Churches-brush set

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Cleaning Time & a Freebie

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Designing on HOLD

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Freebie Cluster

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cluster Part2
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday & Wednesday Quotes
Hope to get back later today and find everything is working properly..
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Mondays Quote

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Cluster Sunday
Don't pirate!! Just send everyone here to get their own freebie!! Thanks.
*border, flowers, cat, folage is all included on separate layers. Instruction for use and TOU also included in the download.
The download includes the actual shown cluster ready to plop down on your page And the extra 5 layers with individual items on each. Add, duplicate, change sizes or delete the items you don't want. Customize it!! All Items are made with Brushes in PSE6 at 12x6@300dpi sizes.
Be NICE and leave a comment.. Love to know what you think of these little kits and if you want more.

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Here early..
Got a doctors appointment tomorrow so I'm here to post early..
I want to do a special Quote Feature for this MONTH of September!!
If you use one Please leave me a message so I can see, too!! My Granny is watchin from Heaven, but she doesn't tell me everything..esp if it's about me..she just tells everyone else!
My Granny left me a cook book and it has random/cooking quotes or prayers inside. I wanna share some of them with you this month. Feel free to copy & paste for your own chuckles or scrap pages. They are just too precious to sit inside my book any longer.

Not making fun or light of anyone's's just country folk humor and thought you'd like to have a step into the past... this one was even told by our Preacher at a banquet.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Correction on Week#4- frame & new one!!

Til next Monday... get creative and play every chance you get... GRANNY

Monday, August 24, 2009
Week#4 Build-it freebie
This weeks project is a practise what you learned series. Plus a bonus QP that I started but didn't have a matchin kit. All Items used for this week came from my SunKissed Kit now available at for only $1.00 for the full kit. Look for Granny Judy Designs.
To get your Build-it Wk#4 just click on the Image below:

Friday, August 21, 2009
Good Mail Day

What did you make with WEEK#3-Build-it Or any of the other weeks?? send me your image at and I'll get it put up here!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Week #3-Build-it kit
The first image is the page I made..included in the kit. So this week you get a "3 fur". I call it Nature Lover. Instructions (as best as I could explain this much layering) is also part of your Freebie. Any questions or problems, Email me and I'll try to help ya thru it.
All creations are mine..from brushes, clip art, cu purchases and straight from my camera & scanner.. ** click on the kit preview to get your free download**
Tomorrow I have a new kit going up in my store at I call it Sunkissed! It's only $1.00 for all you see here and MORE. As an Added bonus I thru in some word art.. and extra embellishments. It was one of those kits that I couldn't stop working on. Everytime I learned something over at Jessica Sprague dot com.. I'd add another paper or embellishment.. and the WORD ART. I organized files and got this BEAST purring like a kitten again.. Well worth the 2 weeks and $$ spent.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Week 2 Build-it kit
The Pinkey finger is healing nicely, but still needs to stay wrapped and that is such a pain..Always seems to get in the way of the simplest things I try to do. But it hasn't been a
month yet--and I am suppose to forget it ever happen in that time frame. Only 2 more weeks and I'll Never know it ever happened!! MOM promised!
Here it the preview of your Freebie this week..just click on the image to get the kit & instructions so you too can make this digi page.. It's in an 8x8 size at 300dpi, No template
in this one, but you can use the template from KIT 1. If you don't have it, just scroll down and click on the image- I am leaving the links active all month. (or even 2) .

I am putting off cleaning up and organizing pse files-the ones I used all the time for digi creations. But it is getting difficult finding things I know I have. So this evening I am gonna
try to work on some organization of just the brushes..**tons** of them!!
But If I don't shut off that darn tv - Hallmark channel, I won't get anything started. A real tear jerker is on and I can't ignore the story.. It's over in a few more minutes.. so that leaves me a couple of hours to get into the files.
Til next week.. I'll be back with Build-It Kit 3.. color blocking templates and all. Yes, from My paper scrapping days!! I miss the look of Color Blocking and have come back around to that
Love.. I threw away all those plastic templates so had to get out my ruler and calculator to make digi ones.
Hugs and have a great week.. Granny
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My other online bud I follow is Scrappylicious who is in a contest - like stranded on a deserted Island and has to scrap her way to the top of the heep of other contestants.. Anytime there are cabana boys around to help, you know there is just too much fun goin on. Head over, register and give her a vote- she MUST SURVIVE!! Ginger'
**note the underlined words are LINKs to their happenings**
I'm behind on my studies and have to run.. so can't touch bases with all my "friends" today, but will try to catch them as I fly by.. Hugs your friends every chance You get!! GRANNY
Monday, August 3, 2009
It"s time to Build-week 1
Had a little slicing and dicing accident and can not use my Pinky finger til it heals over.. thankfully I have worked ahead and have the files all set up and ready for Aug. Please leave a message if you download and use this type of freebie.. otherwise I'll only be doing this for the month of AUG and go back to the simple QP where I DO ALL THE WORK and keep the how tos all to My self..

exercise the brain cells, and try this!! Granny
Friday, July 31, 2009
Cleaning and removing

Here is the preview and examples of what you will get.
template for the 4 photos, overlays, papers and clip art.
I give you everything to make those QP's..You arrange them according to the instructions or just arrange them however YOU want..
The package will Include instructions of how I got there using PSE6 program..but files should work in whatever program U have since files are in jpeg and png format.
So Ladies and Gents!! if ya want any of the older Freebies--start grabbing them today!! After Tomorrow--all links will be deactivated!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
One More QP & announcement
Once a week I will post a freebie for you to download. All the elements in the .png format and instructions on how to make the page will be in this file for you. Some tips and tricks will be included in the instructions. Also, I am taking another class with JessicaSprague in Aug. Therefore I will only be posting a freebie once a week.
Now 4share imaging is messing up on don't think that what you are downloading is looking that HORRIBLE... It's the opening in the QP that looks terrible, but I tested it and the actual file is clear and actually very PRETTY.. Just like the image I put here. (see below) It's just 4-share messing things up again and no matter how many times I reload it..It still has a God-Awful-Look!!
remember, next week you will get all the elements and have to make your own page!!

I tell ya life wouldn't be any fun if there were nothing new to learn and try.. GRANNY
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sat: QP GummyBearColor2
One more QP for you using that same color palette-Gummy Bears. Now don't freak out when you go to 4-share. The image there looks like hell. the cut out of the frame looks unfinished to say the least- but I tested it and It looks just like my image here. so Your photo should show nicely once fitted behind the page.
link disabled, sorry.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Anyone like GummyBear Colors?
You can go darkest to lightest and still be in those colors... Lighting is everything when you want an interesting look on any project. Paper or digital, wall or floor-- it's all about lighting.
In PSE6 there is the tool bar at the top with "filters". Drop down menu with hundreds of choices to add texture, lighting and filters to any image you are working on. Click on "render" then on
Lighting. Play with the features til you find one you like . There is always the undo and do it all again til ya get something like the bugs tails, the stone wall or the background spotlight.
Play around with those features in the tool bar FILTERs!!

There is so much to learn and I'm exploring everything, watching tutorials and learning more all the time... GRANNY
Saturday, July 18, 2009
It's a QP !
So my creation is a mini kit and is inspired by Drea @ who tempted me with her baked & decorated Cookies. I did get permission to use Name & Colors. That Striped paper is my own secret recipe.

Now it is time to run off to class & put those brain cells to use. Hope your week end is full of fun, relaxin and Cookies. Granny
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tuesday-Freebie extra

Link disabled.. sorry.
I just can't do a layout anymore..or even a quick page.. There is something about having clipart on my beast to play with.. and I had a blast working in PSE6 with these cute little bears..CU and paid for. Marianne' and other actions from
I find myself drawn to CU items only these days..which leaves my "beast" sighing with relief and thanking me profusely by continuing to let me play in the cyber world and creating. So in a short 2 hours I got that mini-kit put together. When I get a new action or clip art item, I unzip and play with it right away. Making and keeping items on hand and ready to plop in a kit. It gets a bit confusing at times since the colors don't always match the kit I want it to go in- but that is an easy fix if ya save the pse/psd file. And I save those since they are generally a smaller Keep-file wise. Then I do have my EHD and keep back ups on it.
If you have a better filing system, let me know!! Hugs and enjoy the extra freebie!
Granny Judy
Friday, July 10, 2009
A NEW (digi scrapbook) KIT
Here they are!! After 40+ years I can finally scrap those baby pictures collecting dust and fading from being scattered about the place. Funny, but I still can recall those moments cuddling my little ones and their special Smell!! To grab the kits head over to: Price is too good to miss.
I understand about the economy hitting most of us right where it hurts and we all cut corners where/when we can, so I wanted everyone to have a little goodie to scrap their own Cuddles.

Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday's Freebie

Link disabled- sorry.

Love to hear from you and will take special requests... Now I'm getting together some more memories and making items to fill in the pages -- Granny Judy Designs.