Thursday, August 6, 2009


Rainy has hit the jackpot with color on her newest kit- Color of Love! She transformed A simple pink and green into a SWEETZ lovely kit. I have the priviledge of testing her kits and handing out what I made..but you can get the the whole kit (for free) at her BLOG...

My other online bud I follow is Scrappylicious who is in a contest - like stranded on a deserted Island and has to scrap her way to the top of the heep of other contestants.. Anytime there are cabana boys around to help, you know there is just too much fun goin on. Head over, register and give her a vote- she MUST SURVIVE!! Ginger'

**note the underlined words are LINKs to their happenings**

I'm behind on my studies and have to run.. so can't touch bases with all my "friends" today, but will try to catch them as I fly by.. Hugs your friends every chance You get!! GRANNY

1 comment:

Angie said...

Hey lady!! Thanks for the boost!!