I tell ya an Ol Lady can learn new tricks. I searched and searched for the Fairies for this kit and all that I found for C/Use was in a Jpeg format. Which doesn't translate to a good PNG file for scrapbooking digitally. So The ones I did find needed alot of reworking. This is where I had to really put on my thinking cap. PSE6 has a Magic wand tool. I had never used it to extract images before.. But it saved my few brain cells and lowered my stress level - rather than do the manual extractions like I was used to doing.

The Fairies and Butterflys are from CU free, Royalty free, comic books and ads that I found in the paper community.. magazines, comic books and Adobe.com are MY FRIENDs!! Remember , I'm just learning and offer you My Humble Attempts, FREE of Charge.. So help me out and leave me some comments on what you like or DIDN'T Like.
With the warmer weather coming in, everyone here has taken a good look at themeselves in the mirror (getting ready for shorts and swim suits). It is the consensus that something needs to be done about our shapes.. Discussions proceeded from exercising more and eating less, to searches on line for a healthy lifestyle program to printing out grocery lists!!
I'm sitting here thinking, Yeah! Right! It's like those New Years Eve Resolutions we all make but find too hard to keep. Changing our behaviors is probably the hardest thing we ever will do in our lives, but.. and I say this with "tongue in cheek" - It's Best thing you will ever do for yourself !! Get healthy!!
Little do they realize that since I am the COOK and DD is the shopper, we have been doing the Healthy food choices for the whole family!! I just haven't figured out how to get the potatoes off the couch. It's eat, watch tv and go to bed each evening. What happened to the walk or work out ?? OK, OK, so I am NOT a good motivator - Nor do I set a good example. But when the whole house is off to work, I am Movin'. Up the stairs, Down the Stairs, Throw another load in the washer/dryer, fold it- up the stairs to put it all away.. out the door/ in the door, sweep the patios, dig in the garden, grab the mail, clean the hot tub..soak awhile!! Maybe I should do more of that when they are home.. but Honey, I'm too pooped at the end of the day ----
Keep movin' Granny
You are to funny, I have a house that could use cleaning, lol Good job on your kit!! Have a great weekend
Like you I'm just starting but so far have mainly been collecting images, I did my first layout yesterday, "cheating" with a QP but I still felt chuffed with mysel. It is a beautiful kit like yours that gives me the inspiration, thank you for sharing it
Hi Granny :) hope this finds you well. Very pretty fairys. Say wanted to let you know my old blog name won't work now I updated it and the new one is http://catladysscrapnip.blogspot.com
Have a great week. Many hugs send your way. Mary catlady designs
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