Friday, February 27, 2009

Early start.....

Wide awake at 3 am!! What the Heck,, maybe it's because the doc changed my thyroid doseage to a lower one?? This better not become a habit!!

Progress is being made on my store.. domain is mine, web site is named.. gotta wait til all the "buttons" work before I can spend more time on this beast and get my parts loaded into the store. Getting excited now. I've got lots of previews to do, zip and get ready. One of my favorites ideas for embellishments came from a childhood memory.

My Aunt Mary showed me her jewelry box: You know how nosey and curious a child can be, right? I fell in love with her Cameo Pin.. And Wanted to know how I could get one. It was a tradition that YOUR INTENDED gave you a Cameo back then. So I was Promised I would get one when I had an Intended. Unfortunately by the time I was old enough to have an Intended, that tradition was lost.

I now have several!! For any occasion I wish to recall. Who Says Only an INTENDED can give you one? Stop clicking on the image.. these are NOT free.
This packet will be in the store: real soon (I hope)
A lot more tweeking and DD#1 will have it ready for anyone who wants to sell items. Strings attached with selling, but No requirements on your time. Just a small monthly fee will be agreed upon before you get a shelf or two. * no forum* I hope ya check back often to get the GRAND OPENING NEWs --
Now back to finding a 2nd cuppa and doing some household chores.. Real Life calling me, AGAIN.. Granny

1 comment:

Angie said...

I can't beleive that you were up at 3AM gesh girl!!