Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Are ya ready?
For the Freeze that is coming our way? Darn it was only 22 degrees F here this morning and I've been froze all day.. Now tomorrow is another day..suppose to get sun and 72. I'll take it!! and hope for a few more. But Winters here in Ill. are very unpredictable. Mean while I can't wait to work on a couple pumpkins....well get the kids to work on them. Here is the before picture...
Lets, see what else have I puttered around doing... well I did work out a couple Christmas ornaments Ideas. Clusters of green, red and gold with snowman bell at the bottom. Kinda Cute and easy. Just gotta have the right wire: get the florist light wire (20gage), put pieces together and wrap with the wire to hold it all together. I didn't do any steps of photos for these.. so play around and see what you can make. *the ribbon is the wire on sides kind with glitter and bling* And the folage I got on sale in the silk flower department.

OK, so I'm rushing the season, but I had to do something with my hands and the parts were just laying there looking at me. There..put them all together and what do ya got!! Pretty for the season.... I'm sure I'll be doing lots more before Santa comes a calling.
OK, so I'm rushing the season, but I had to do something with my hands and the parts were just laying there looking at me. There..put them all together and what do ya got!! Pretty for the season.... I'm sure I'll be doing lots more before Santa comes a calling.
I'll be setting up my portable table and getting the yO yO angels done tomorrow... Their Hair is here!! No more bald sweeties!! And I can finish up the photos for step by step- show N tell.
Hope your week end is full of fun stuff.... Granny.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Freebie kit_ disco crop

Despite what the name says, it's not that large a kit.. it's just the Extra things I made to finish off pages for the Disco Crop at this past week. Monday announcements will be made as to the winners. Paper and Digital. I was able to complete all 10 challenges..woo-hoo!
Use and enjoy...No CU.
Still getting those Angels lined up and ready to finish.. just have the Hair to glue on with a thread for hanging. Then I have four BELLs to make over into an ornament. One bell for each ornament on a bed of tree & flowers. Yes, I'll show you a picture of all when I finish.
It's rainy again today here in my area. Not too cold as yet, but we had "frost" yesterday Fall has Fallen.
I'm trying to catch up on all the political candidates here in our area... There is no way to tell who will do the Best job..for US. I just want to get those out who have caused our economic poverty. Yes, POVERTY. I don't care if they call it a resession. To most of the american populace..we find ourselves in POVERTY. Years of saving, planning and faith that our golden years would be financially sound---went out the window with the first bail out... Why Can't our politicians take the same blow as we have??
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Crafty Me...
Getting ready for Christmas now that the Halloween decorations are up and I found some Christmas stuff mixed in with it. Funny how one little thing out of place can start a whole new train of thought and activity.. So I got my goodies all together at Hobby Lobby and went thru my fabric stash to make this year's Tree Ornament to hand out at the office. (DD#2's office since I am retired) And photos will follow later on after I start the "assembly" process. It's just in the planning stage for now. Think Angels and hold that thought til I get them done or documenting a how to?? Just a thought for now.

A question asked by a member at Scrapadilly got me started on template making in PSE8. I haven't done one of these in ages..and I have it offered up to you for FREE.. A one photo, 2 borders, a frame, 1 scalloped mat and journal lines.. it is in psd type file so that all the layers are there..even the hidden ones..LOL. Do I check my work?? Well, not always..I just create and let the chips fall where they may.. I do look over the presentation carefully as I make a preview, but Did I TELL ya, It's FREE.

DownLoad HERE... **click**

A question asked by a member at Scrapadilly got me started on template making in PSE8. I haven't done one of these in ages..and I have it offered up to you for FREE.. A one photo, 2 borders, a frame, 1 scalloped mat and journal lines.. it is in psd type file so that all the layers are there..even the hidden ones..LOL. Do I check my work?? Well, not always..I just create and let the chips fall where they may.. I do look over the presentation carefully as I make a preview, but Did I TELL ya, It's FREE.

DownLoad HERE... **click**
Labels: beginnings
Friday, October 1, 2010
It's happening

Yup, the construction is in full swing just down the road a piece! Widening and putting in a sidewalk that will allow me to head down to BIG LOTS on my own..with my tricycle and shop til I drop!! It will take awhile for it all to get done, but At least the WORK is in progress.
And here is a mini kit to celebrate: The Basics....
Click on the image or the name . Let me know if there is a problem with the link and getting your leaving a comment here on the blog.
Credits are in the download file..but isn't that Beagle the cutest?? TY GrannyArt. My oldest DD & son have a beagle and it sure keeps them busy. I made the string of pearls and papers myself.. Enjoy & LMK where you used a link to your page/image.
Now back to decorating for the FALL.. I love the changing colors, but not the cold that follows. Brrrr....
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