This is Me and Uncle Orville.. a younger brother to My Mother (remember there are 6 of these critters in her family) I hadn't seen this Uncle since 1993. He is 10 years my senior. But after a certain age, the years meld together and we all look a bit worn around the edges.

And this is the page that started me scrapping. I made the cat, ghost, crow and the Photomask. Do they look familiar?? Well, keep on scrolling down this page and you should find them.. Maybe not the photo mask, it is part of a set I'm working on to sell at www.Scrapdebris.com (like a project started and not finished) the floral clusters come from Raspberryroad . That photo is of the Neighbors Tree..It turned a beautiful shade of golds this year.. so I had to snap it.. I get to look at it everyday so It had to be extra special for me to snap it.
OK, back to reading the Vampire Series, Lestat by Anne Rice. Appropriate for this time of year.. Love MY KINDLE!!
Granny Judy