I finally finished getting this 7x5 @ 300 dpi size Brag Book put together for ya.. Now its around 49MB in size..with windows where you just slip a photo behind it for you digi scrappers.
It's not ready just yet with a download link.. gotta get some sleep before I go cross-eyed from staring at a computer screen.. Anyhow, you got the Train to ride and grab all the goodies where you can make your own pages til I get caught up here.
Nighty Nite for now.
And A big THANK YOU to all the contributors/DESIGNERS. And another Aww Shucks to those who were kind enough to leave a TY for my part of the kit.. Granny Judy
You can Click on the image NOW!! Link is fixed. 6/l2/09 
I finally got the link and download from Just So Scrappy's blog. She has had trouble getting her blog to co-operate and I wanted ya all to see her preview so you can Find IT when you go there.. so--- Look for this preview From Kati!!

Link to Just So Scrappy's Blog. find the June 9th post and scroll down til you see Her preview. The links should be right below it. Thanks, Kati.
There is still more to come from this KIT....word art, anyone??
Pop into Rainy's blog. And tomorrow I hope to have a template ready for you to use/print where all ya gotta do is plop a photo under each page. attach it to the template, print AND THEN fasten it all together.. Kool, Huh?
More QP's to be ready for you at
Rainy's Blog, Look around her blog for lots of wonderful items and downloads, ya won't be sorry!!
So visit often and see what Love Can Do!!