My DD#1 in uniform- a fourth generation of Nursing .

would you believe this one page has 12 + photo layers.. just look at the following layers going from 12 to 1 and know that this can be done in paper as well as digital. I worked this one in digital.. with credits to RaSPBERRY Road for the frame with a cluster as my inspiration for coloring ..Isn't that ROSE great!
I color and shade all the papers myself and found other elements thru
Digi Free search engine.. so head over and see what you can download for FREE.

layer 12- Title and journaling comes last for me.

layer 11 . A round frame with clusters at the bottom from Raspberry Road.. is the inspiration for my choice of background colors..

layer 10--here is where you would add your photo on the dark matt area.

layer 9- a hint of word art and line of buttons with string gives more depth

layer 8 --there is a subtle color change here.. I wanted to dampen down the bright look, so added the layer 1 and clicked on soft light & reduced opacity to 75%.

layer 7 - use left over scraps of paper of contrasting color..and neutrals to give depth.. (DIGI-add drop shadows and outlines for addition interest)

layer6 - one straight, one slate a bit..with ink or outline of white..

layer 5 - If one strip is good, add another.

layer 4- contrast color with a velum piece/scrap

layer 3- U used my brushes (digi) for a splatter look .. in whites and darks. MOST of this will be covered so play around and have fun with this layer.

layer 2 - 2 paper layer with approx 1/2 inch trimmed off the top one.

layer 1 - I checked the shadow on the Frame cluster to get this dark, neutral color as my base.. Just a starting point to keep the continuity of the final layer.. * USE A NEUTRAL*