We are ready for the Holiday.. And Christmas Eve we will be opening our presents.. This is an all adult household with fur babies x 5.( 2 dogs and 3 cats.) Hanging the stockings is alot of fun since we have to do it everyday.. there is a culprit who UNhangs them and plays with them thru the night. I find one particular sock in the kitchen , on the stairs or across the room every day. I think it is Smucge- She just can't leave it hang.... "Its furry and dark, so maybe she thinks it's her baby".
We are scheduled to have more snow..after 5 / 6 inches last week. It did do the icy rain on top of it all this past monday. The roads are all cleaned off so I reckon we can take more snow. I like the nice gentle snow on Christmas Eve.. then it can all go away. I'm ready for the sunshine and Spring Storms.
Will leave ya with wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I'm not creating much these days with a health problem.. Just did a proceedure yesterday to place a monitor in the GI tract. It's all about the Gerd problem and finding out why I have so much pain all the time.
Hoping it all clears up soon...this is no fun!! GRANNY JUDY