I have PSE8 and I think Hummie works with PSE9.. not sure, but I've finally got Stripes!! I love 'em, but couldn't figure out on my own how to get straight lines.. So simple once you see how the Pros Do It. THANK YOU Hummie!!
Over at Hummies Blog she is doing a 30 day of Gratitude teaching and give away of her patterns.. now gals this is alot of work making up those patterns, sorting to give you progressive downloads and getting it all posted for you to grab _ All for FREE Then to download all her patterns to Flickr for permanent access!! I don't know where that gal gets all her energy!! (and she even used a joke I shared with ya last year that I found in my grandmother's recipe book!!)
Go HERE to see the video and learn the use of your Pattern tool and all you can do. I know it works in PSE8.. here's my first try. Will plug in the laptop later and do a trial in PSE6 just to see if I need an upgrade there.

I turned my first page (first try) 90 degrees because I like my strips tall and thin.
I love to make my own papers, so this is gonna expand my file for patterned pages.
Sorry about the interuption..we had to go vote!! And it is so painless! Well, the wind was a blowing and the temp was 40F. brrrr. but worth it. That is why I got out my hat, gloves and big thick coat, yesterday!! I knew it would come in handy soon..just not so soon.
Do You watch the signs of Mama Nature?? Well, I am from the generation who remembers her parents & grand parents talking about the butterflys, the willie worms, the corn silk, the crickets and the moon. "also, grannys predictions of a storm= "corns" hurting." And you know they are right on!!! I don't need TV to know that Storms of the equinox coupled with these predictions are just as accurate as our local meteorologist. It will be a cold, dry winter here in my area...according to the "signs" I observed.. Top that Mr. Meteorgist.!!